Tuesday, 22 July 2014

How To Clean A Carpet | Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles

How To Clean A Carpet | Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles

Process Of Carpet Cleaning
Mix some powder laundry detergent with some water; be prudent with how much you’re mixing. combine with a cloth.
Always start with a new vacuum cleaner bag. you do not want to have your vacuum cleaner leaving dirt and dust particles behind. Vacuum the entire floor twice in different directions. we believe that this is the best possible way to capture all the loose particles.
Wipe down a small area of the carpet with the cloth to make it damp, and collect any lint from the top. Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles
Pre Cleaning
Pre-treat your toughest spots and stains by letting the solution soak in for five minutes before scrubbing. Take your carpet brush and scrub the stains in different directions. you can also repeat this process on stubborn spots and stains.
Throw down some old white towels or sheets so the carpet does not get dirty, and to soak up excess liquid. Replace your soapy water with fresh clear water when finishing the entire area.
Go over the cleaned areas with just water and the scrub brush to remove any excess soap, then let it dry. it will dry faster with fans or open windows.
After Cleaning
When it’s done, your carpet will smell like the detergent you used and will be sparkling clean.
Try extremely hard to remove all detergent from the carpet, as the excess detergent will obtain soil very quickly.
Once the floor is totally dry, vacuum it once again. this will fluff it up and if used, it will pick up all the dirt and dust that was loosened by the carpet cleaning machine. Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles
Apply carpet protector
This will prevent future stains penetrating deep into the carpet and allow for easier removal.
Spot Cleaning
To spot clean carpet use a clean towel and dab up the excess spill. Pour a 1/4 cup of cool water on spill/area.
Dab spot with clean towel, do not rub towel across area because that will only make the mess larger.
Keep dabbing and adding a little more water until area appears clean.
Go over the area again (dabbing only) with another clean towel to ensure that most of the water has been cleaned up. Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles

Hen’sDry – Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles

For more information on any of our products or free installation quotes please call or email us
Contact Hen’s Dry for a FREE ESTIMATE 888-548-2922 – We Always Answer our Phone.


Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles



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