Monday, 11 August 2014

Emergency Stains Removing Tips

Stains Removing Tips

We all have those unfortunate times when we spill a glass of wine on our carpet, or the kids accidentally use texta’s on the carpet. we all have those moments when we see the honey, fruit juice or the like tip onto the carpet in slow motion. it is the way you react in the first few hours that can make the biggest difference to the way the stain can be cleaned up.
For Liquid Stains 
Get a wet white cloth tea towel, nappy, paper towel and put the carpet on the stain to try to absorb as much liquid as possible. Keep changing the cloth as soon as you can see the carpet taking in the spillage. you can apply a small amount of pressure to help absorb more of the spillage.
Ensure that the cloth used is white colored paper towel and towels can cause further dyes to run onto the carpet.
Try to get as much liquid out of the stain as possible. Keep applying new cloths until no more of the spillage is seen being absorbed into the carpet.
If you’re not getting any more of the stain on the carpet, but there is still a stain visible on the carpet, apply a small amount of water to the stain and repeat the above process. Continue process until no more of the spillage is being absorbed.
For Solids Stains
If you spill anything solid on your carpet try to scrape off as much excess solids as possible with a blunt knife. be careful not to damage the carpet fibers by rubbing the carpet. If a gentle scraping does not remove excess solids do not continue with this process.
Stain Removal is a very specialized field of carpet cleaning and many carpet cleaners do not have the skills to carry out processes to rectify carpet stains. read more..

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