Wednesday, 20 August 2014

How To Remove Pet Odor

Remove Pet Odor

Your playful pet spends a lot of time rolling over your carpet. you might enjoy watching him play but that might leave your carpet reeking of a bad odor. You surely wouldn’t want that stink hitting your guests as they enter your home. you might have potty-trained your pet, but accidents happen. Thestains and the musty smell of your pet’s excreta will very get on your nerves. The additional they roll on your carpet, the additional the chances of their body odor getting trapped in the carpet fibers.

Process Of Removing Pet Odor

So, the question is how to remove pet odor from carpet. again it is none other than baking soda that comes to your rescue. Once every week, you could sprinkle baking soda over the carpet. this is one of the best carpet cleaning methods. though baking soda itself is odorless, it works wonders in getting rid of odor from the carpet. be careful to ensure your pet does not ingest the baking soda as it may be harmful to them.
In case, your pet defecated, pissed or vomited over the carpet, you would need to pick up the dirt and clean the area immediately. The longer the dirt is allowed to stay on the carpet, the smellier it will get. you must remember never to use ammonia. Your pet might confuse ammonia with its own urine, and surely it would create a vicious circle involving your carpet and the pet’s urine. to get rid of the smell, a deodorizer like vinegar could do the trick as well. but firstly, make sure the stain is wiped off completely.
Get a damp towel ready and clean the soiled area. in case the pet’s urine was soaked by lower fibers of the carpet, the stains tend to reappear again. To avoid this process of wicking, heavy books could be placed over a thick towel overnight on the soiled space. Clean the area again once you lift up these heavy items. never try your hair dryer to dry your carpet. the heat emanating from the steamer will make the stains and smell extremely difficult to remove. you could also use perfumed deodorizers to keep your carpet smelling fresh. read more.....

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